About Us
Rainbow Jewelers Supply Company is a full service jewelers supply company.
Our goal is to offer you quality products, at the best prices, and the best service.
We offer a wide range of products, that are not only used by professional jewelers, but also by the hobbyist, craftsperson, dentists, opticians, and many other types of business applications.
We have been in the jewelry business since 1983.
We hope to make your online experience as easy as possible. We look forward to serving you!
If you have any technical questions or comments, please e-mail us at info@rainbowsupply.com or feel free to call us.
While every effort is made to keep prices current:
Prices are subject to change and prices listed on pages may not reflect current priceing.
Office: (210) 733-1772
Hours of Operation:
(All Times Central)
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 12:00pm
Closed Sundays and Holidays